Natural Hairstyles – How To Create The Perfect Twist-out Everytime. The twist-out is one of the most popular go-to natural girl hairstyles.
It’s care-free, simple, and it looks great on almost everyone ( short and long hair). Keep in mind that if it’s your first time trying one, it may take at least two times through trial and error will you be able to achieve the look you’re after. Especially if you’re newly natural. Look below for a few tips on how to create a fab twist out. Also check out the video tutorial below on one my favorite Natural Youtubers Hair Crush doing a twist-out.
1. My most successful twist-outs are always done on damp – to wet hair. This creates a hold for twists and creates more definition.
2. Work in sections, section you hair prior to adding your leave-ins.
3. Make sure you have a good creme based holding cream designed for natural hair. I like Miss Jessie’s curly pudding for my twist-outs.
4. After sectioning you hair begin doing the twist, adding creme to each section. You should also rewet your hair before adding the creme if your hair has already started to become dry.
4. Try to make sure each twist is uniform in size and thickness. This creates a more defined twstout. For a really defined twistout create smaller twists, and for a more lose version, use bigger twists.
5. Let your hair completely dry before removing the twists, this is best done overnight. Sometimes I even sit under dryer before going to sleep to completely ensure that the twistout is dry.
6. In the morning removing twists, place an oil throughout your hair before separating the twists. I like to use coconut oil for adding shine and moisture.
7. When going to bed simply place a large bonnet over you hair to help preserve the style. It should last at least 3 -7 days. You may need to refresh some of your twists in certain areas of you hair if they start to loose definition. Look below at how to maintain your twists.
How To Do A Twistout Video
Twistout Maintenance- How To Keep Your Style Fresh.
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what do u do when u go to bed at night ….do u retwist?
You can either retwist, or do the pineapple method. Start twist your hair downward, and flip it over leaving the ends on the top of your head like a pineapple. Make sure you place your hair in a headscarf to help preserve the style.
I might do a post on this in the next couple of days, how to preserve your twist-out.