Health Hair Tips For Swimming With Natural and Relaxed Hair

Health Hair Tips For Swimming With Natural and Relaxed Hair. Going swimming or getting your hair wet is something that most African American women tend to avoid. We spending countless hours taking care of our mane’s, and not to mention styling it to a “t”. So when it comes to actually getting in the water, we dread it like the plague. Whether you’re natural or relaxed, caring for your hair when you plan on hitting the pool is very important. In fact you need to care for your hair before, and after you plan on hitting the water.

Health Hair Tips For Swimming With Natural and Relaxed Hair

A Few Tips To Help You Protect Your Strands :

1. Make sure the day before you go swimming that you do a deep conditioner or oil treatment. This way your hair will be moisturized before you hit the pool.

2. You can always old school it with a swimming cap.

3. Right before you get in the pool, drench your strands in water and conditioner / oil from root to tip. Remember your hair is like a sponge, if your hair is already wet before you hit he water, it is less likely to absorb the water and chlorine from the pool. Also try placing your hair in braids, or a bun while you swim so that it’s up and out of the way.

4. Follow up your pool session with a good wash, (sulfates are actually good in this case) and deep conditioner. If you don’t have time to wash your hair right after the pool, make sure you at least rinse your hair with water from the shower.

5. If you really want to triple protect your strands, wet your hair before hand, and try wearing a synthetic wig while swimming. It might sound silly, but simply place your wig in a bun or ponytail with elastic band to cover your edges. By wearing the wig, your hair is being protected since your wig will be mainly be absorbing all of the water.