Laverne Cox Without Makeup, Posts Makeup-Free Selfie

Laverne Cox Without Makeup, Posts Makeup-Free Selfie

Laverne Cox Without Makeup, Posts Makeup-Free Selfie. Who doesn’t love a good makeup-free selfie? This week actress Laverne Cox showed off her flawless skin by posting a makeup-free selfie via instagram with the caption….

Finally a few days to relax. I feel so privileged to be able to do work that I love and very privileged to be able to take time off occasionally. I take none of it lightly. Always good to have days with no makeup to let my skin breath. #washfacenobase #TransIsBeautiful

Couldn’t have said it better myself, make-free days are a must to just let your skin take a break, and how amazing is her skin game?

Laverne Cox Without Makeup, Posts Makeup-Free Selfie