Tips For Texlaxing Your Hair – How To Texlax Your Hair. Texlaxing your hair is the process of purposely leaving some texture and wave to your hair, instead of relaxing it bone straight. You can learn more about texlaxing here. The process of which I use to texlax my hair can be found in the video below, I always apply my texlax with Organic Olive Oil Root Stimulator relaxer, I hardly smooth the relaxer in, and I use 3/4 of the liquid activator to produce a more wavy texture.
Texlaxing is great for people who desire a wavier texture than their natural curl pattern, without having to deal with single strands knots, extreme hair shrinkage, excessive amounts of tangles. It’s a great middle ground for those who don’t want straight hair ( like a relaxer) but they also don’t want to deal with some of the challenges that come along with natural hair.
For more hair tips on texlaxing be sure to check out my youtube channel.
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